Tazo Chai - What a TASTY Treat
I am a member of Smiley360 which is a site that allows me to try and review products for free in exchange for my honest opinion. My most recent mission has been Tazo Chai. Included in this mission has been: • One full-value coupon for any TAZO® Chai filterbag tea or latte concentrate • Two full-value coupons for any TAZO® Chai filterbag tea or latte concentrate to share with your closest friends or family • TAZO® Chai tasting guide • One TAZO® Classic Chai filterbag , one TAZO® Chocolate Chai filterbag and one TAZO® Vanilla Caramel Chai filterbag #SweetMeetsSpicy So far I've redeemed a coupon at Target and now have a box of Pumpkin Spice Tazo Chai. When I say that this tea is amazing, I really mean it! You can smell pumpkin, cinnamon, spice and peppery aromas all combining to make such a gourmand and sweet treat. I've also tried out the Vanilla Caramel Chai and I enjoyed it as well. I must say that I do not see myself purchasing a full s...